3-day desire map workshop in los angeles: first of its kind!

big news, big news for all my dearest friends!!

many of you have read my words + progress through the past year of desire mapping with danielle laporte’s work: my post on learning how to desire and my previous handicaps with feelings + passions, my post on discovering that i had a stunted emotional vocabulary and that desires + wants are not synonymous, and some massive soul awakenings.

do you trust your desires? do you know what they are?

you also know that i’ve been blogging seldom, have been home-focused, and generally quiet as i’ve curled smaller + smaller into my cocoon. but this is it! the desire map is so much of what i’ve been doing: recovering, healing, learning, growing, re-birthing, and becoming. grow, rest, grow, rest, and now it’s time to grow like crazy!

my desires: wild + electric + generative + ease + shakti + rooted


over the last 6 months i’ve lead a book club in my home which has been one of the most rewarding experiences ever ever, and a virtual book club with women all around america. i’ve had the great gift of sitting with danielle laporte and other desire mappers AND be interviewed with my hubs max to talk about desire mapping as a couple and the depth it’s added to our relationship.

but this new big thing?!

danielle laporte is developing the desire map into a workshop format (!!!!!) and i am part of a magnificent team of women launching the VERY FIRST WORKSHOPS. i am leading a 3 day workshop in downtown los angeles next month, and you. are. invited.

registration is open now for the first
3 day desire map workshop: level one in los angeles.

Held at the warm and stunning “Apartment A” by cocktail academy in Downtown Los Angeles, the 3 day workshop will guide your soul through the following:

  • learn how to identify your core desires + use them as a light and anchor for decision making, large and small
  • explore + understand your current relationship to desires + wants
  • create a safe space to discuss our hang-ups, guilt, and challenges in pursuing them
  • create daily or weekly rituals (that you loooove) to facilitate desire + contentment
  • expand your knowledge of the english language to deepen your emotional vocabulary (this is a real thing that is life changing)
  • talk through resistance as you progress through mapping your desires
  • build relationships with very real + practical women who are also learning soul first, goals second
  • walk away with a new understanding of who you are, how you desire, and what it is you truly want

dates + time: Oct 18th, 25th, + Nov 1st from 11am-3pm (3 consecutive Saturdays)

cost: $350 – limited to 20 seats

location: Apartment A, 652 Mateo St, Los Angeles, CA 90021

The workshop fee includes:

a desire map workbook
tea, coffee + light snacks
sparkling brand new, soulful women friends
a universe-shifting discovery of your core desires

there are not enough words to describe my excitement, so go go go + register before the seats are filled. i cannot wait to see your lovely faces, sit beside you, and stand next to you as you give birth to your desires + learn to inject them into every moment of your life. if you are not in los angeles, but want to be kept in the loop regarding other desire map events, add yourself to the list here.

register here! (+ peek at my new site launch!)

– lauren xo


  1. […] awakenings that came from the process and my most recent blog post announcing that I am hosting one of the first workshops ever in partnership with Danielle LaPorte. : […]

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